BULK 3.5 Pound  - 4,200+ Polished Tiger's Eye Semi-Precious Chips Beads
BULK 3.5 Pound - 4,200+ Tiger's Eye Semi-Precious Chips Beads

BULK 3.5 Pound - 4,200+ Polished Tiger's Eye Semi-Precious Chips Beads

On sale $73.20 $36.60
Retail Price:$104.58
Your Savings:$67.98(65%)
Part Number: BeadsStrandTigersEyeBULK
Availability: In Stock 1
* Made in China
Here's a great big bunch of great polished tiger eye chip beads. Approximately 4200 beads!

The chips are medium sized and will work well in any earth tone jewelry or assemblage project.

Each strands comes temporarily strung on a 35 to 36-inch length very lightweight strand. The strand can easily break. It's best to use them as beads (just cut the strand).

Because these are chips, they are not all exactly the same size. There are 200+ bead chips per strand. The entire bundle weighs over 3-/4 pounds!

You might consider using them as pebbles in a diorama, also.

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