Butterfly Notes Vintage Paper Scraps
Butterfly Notes Vintage Paper Scraps

Butterfly Notes Vintage Paper Scraps

Your Price: $8.75
Part Number: ScrapsButterflyNotes
Availability: In Stock 8
* Made in England
* Out of Print

Butterflies, daisies, roses, pansies and even a delicate lady's hand are featured in this appealing set of modern scraps based on calling cards from the Victorian age. There are 12 small motifs included on this sheet.

The scrap relief sheet is approximately 9 inches by 7 inches, ready for you to clip and use in your artwork. And each sheet is lightly embossed to accent the  images. This piece is well trimmed with expert die cutting - so well done, that very little trimming is necessary.

This vintage set of scraps is a reproduction of much older images.

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