Conus Capitaneus Sea Snail Shell Full Strand of 15 Beads (28mm x 9mm)
Conus Capitaneus Sea Snail Shell Beads

Conus Capitaneus Sea Snail Shell Full Strand of 15 Beads (28mm x 9mm)

On sale $19.95 $15.99
Retail Price:$19.95
Your Savings:$3.96(20%)
Part Number: BeadStrandShellConusCapitaneus
Availability: In Stock 1
* Imported
* Only One (1)
The captain cone sea snail, scientific name Conus Capitaneus, provides us with these stunning natural shell beads. The blending of blacks, blues, browns, greens, oranges, whites, and yellows truly shows off nature's beauty. How will you implement these beauties into your life?

Each bead measures approximately 1-1/8 inch long by 3/8 inch wide (28mm by 9mm). There are 15 beads strung together on an approximate 17 inch long strand.

As stated above, these beads are made from natural shell. Due to this, please allow for some variation in each bead and in each strand of beads. So please, allow us to choose a strand for you.

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