Elegant Serenity Necklace
Elegant Serenity Necklace

Elegant Serenity Necklace

Your Price: $15.00
Part Number: NecklaceSerenity
Availability: In Stock 10
* Made in USA of Imported Parts
* Only One (1)
* SilverCrow Exclusive

Created from the prayer beloved by many,

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change
courage to change the things I can
and wisdom to know the difference.

- this bold, silvery pendant is suspended from a striking black organza and linen multi-strand necklace. It works nicely as a choker as the necklace is 18 inches. But it can extend to 20 inches, making it perfect at the longer length as well.

The prayer is lightly highlighted with oxidation, but at first glance, it appears to be a simple design or filigree.

Your necklace arrives in a velvet jewelry pouch - perfect for a gift or to store it as your own.


  • Pendant
    • Height: 1-3/4 inch
    • Width: 1-3/4 inch
  • Necklace
    • Length: 14 inches, extends to 16 inches

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