Full Revelations of a Professional Rat-Catcher Facsimile Book
Full Revelations of a Professional Rat-Catcher Facsimile Book

Full Revelations of a Professional Rat-Catcher Facsimile Book

On sale $14.00 $7.00
Retail Price:$14.00
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Part Number: BookFullRevelationsRatCatcher
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* Made in England
* Only One (1)
This is a facsimile reproduction of a book that was first published in 1898. (Now most rat-catchers work for the less specialized exterminators.)

At that time the magazine The Field said it was:
"'honestly related in his own language, without any attempt at bookmaking or pilfering from the works of others . . . The habits and instincts of the rats are very graphically described in the quaint language of the writer, and the chapter on the life of a rat-catcher is more interesting than many fictions. His description of the capturing of rats wholesale for the supply of rat-coursing meetings is very graphic. He then adds an account of the sport."
At the end of the hook are some fascinating Author's Notes in which the author offers his services including obtaining
"any number of live rats and rabbits at a few days' notice!"
This very interesting memoir (after 25 years' experience!) is a true facsimile reproduction in paperback. It measures 7 inches by 5 inches, with 64 pages.

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