ISADORA DUNCAN Die-cut Flexible Greeting Card with Sticky Messages
ISADORA DUNCAN Die-cut Flexible Greeting Card with Sticky Messages

ISADORA DUNCAN Die-cut Flexible Greeting Card with Sticky Messages

Your Price: $3.95
Part Number: CardUPGIsadoraDuncan
Availability: In Stock 3
* Made in USA

Discarding tight leotards and toe shoes in favor of flowing Grecian robes and bare feet, American dancer Isadora Duncan revolutionized the world of classical ballet and presaged the development of modern expressive dance. Her innovative dance performances, based on spontaneous, natural movement, captivated her audiences in Europe, where she toured exclusively and founded several schools.

Our flexible greeting card offers self-stick greetings in the traditional manner (Get Well Soon, Congratulations and the like), as well as quotes from Ms Duncan and her admirers, such as:

If I could tell you what I meant, there'd be no point in my dancing it.

You were once wild here, don't let them tame you.

My Motto: Sans Limites

...and more...

There are also pictures of a heart, a flower, a question. Some of the quotes are illustrated, too!

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