Le Langage du Coeur (The Language of the Heart) - Art Postcard
Le Langage du Coeur (The Language of the Heart) - Art Postcard

Le Langage du Coeur (The Language of the Heart) - Art Postcard

Your Price: $1.85
The story of life as told by the heart - that's the beau…
Part Number: PCLeLangageDuCoeur
Availability: In Stock 3
* Printed in USA

The story of life as told by the heart - that's the beauty of this reproduction of an old-time French postcard! It seems that everything finally works out between the lovers - the center of the card shows the two hearts combined with the banner.

Then the story goes:

Votre cœur est partagé
Your heart is divided
Vous me percez le cœur
You have pierced my heart
Mon cœur brûle pour vous
My heart burns for you
Vous avez le cœur volage
You have a fickle heart
Mon cœur est sincère
My heart is sincere
Votre cœur m'attire
Your heart attracts me
Votre coeur refusera-t-il le mien?
Will your heart refuse mine?
Vous avez un cœur de pierre
You have a heart of stone
Votre cœur ne m'appartient plus!
Your heart doesn't belong to me anymore!
Vous possédez mon cœur
You have my heart
Mon cœur est brisé
My heart is broken
Mon cœur est habité
My heart is at home

The style of the art is old-fashioned, but the story rings true for lovers in any generation!

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