Magic Pocket Spell for Success
Magic Pocket Spell for Success

Magic Pocket Spell for Success

Your Price: $7.50
Part Number: PktSpSuccess
Availability: In Stock 1
* Made in Australia
* Only One (1)

In days of uncertainty, such a spell might just be the ticket. This little Pocket Spell for Success will help one focus on the important things in life. It is especially important in times like these to remember that success is not defined by money, power or fame, but by wanting what you have rather than craving what you want.

So, we're sure that just about anyone would enjoy receiving this little spell box. Although we can't promise the miracle of instant success, we're sure that this little treasure box will help concentration on what is important. It is certainly an appropriate gift for many reasons!

In the sliding matchbox with Golden Key to Success on the cover, you'll find the appropriate botanicals, magic seeds, magic rocks, magic fragranced oil, magic spells, a spell-casting sheet, mood candles and instructions. Of course, you might modify the spell to create your own new successful tradition.

Now we cannot promise that this will work for you, but you never know what will happen if you believe!

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