Natural Sage Smudge Spirit Stick
Natural Sage Smudge Spirit Stick

Natural Sage Smudge Spirit Stick

Your Price: $7.00
Part Number: SmudgeSage
Availability: In Stock 1
* Made in USA

The Sage Smudge Spirit Stick is made with sage from New Mexico. It is wrapped by hand with 100% cotton yarn for safe and healthful burning. The sage is considered a sacred herb used for centuries by Native Americans in their smudging ceremonies. Smudging is the name given to the burning of the sage for the purposes of cleansing and sending prayers. Today, people smudge to receive the benefits known to generations of our Native American brothers and sisters.

The sage smudge stick is about 5 inches long and features a glorious scent even when not burning.

Please do not burn unattended. Please use care when extinguishing smoldering smudge.

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