Novelty Transfer Picture Book - Vintage
Novelty Transfer Picture Book - Vintage

Novelty Transfer Picture Book - Vintage

On sale $7.55 $6.45
Retail Price:$7.55
Your Savings:$1.10(15%)
Part Number: BookTransferPicture
Availability: In Stock 5
* Made in Japan
* Vintage Item, Limited Availability
Here's a full color novelty transfer book! It's vintage and hails from the 1950s.

Such booklets were made as novelty items. So you'll find that some images are off-center (not aligned properly) and some ore over printed. We love novelty stuff like this - so much more fun and charming. Please look at our photos for examples.

These are supposedly transfer decals, so they were originally activated with water and then slid off onto a surface. Do not transfer these to a person's skin. We're not sure what kind of ink and adhesive has been used. and we don't want anyone to get a bad reaction. We're pretty sure that you can transfer them to paper or such.

There are 4 pages with 6 transfers on each page. The back cover is made of light tissue. So, if you're a collector, please be careful not to tear it.
  • Examples assorted images inside
    • Indians & Cowboys
    • Wild Animals
    • Transportation
    • Astronauts & Space
An image of a Native American Indian is on the brightly illustrated front cover. The cover reads:
Transfer Picture Picture Book

The booklets are old store stock (never used) in really good novelty condition, and came from a long closed store that specialized in toys, sewing items, and novelties.

Approximate Measurements
  • Booklet
    • Height: 3-5/8 inches
    • Width: 2 inches
  • Images
    • Height: 1 inch
    • Width: 1/8 inch

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