Small Hinged Steel Tin with Curved Top
Small Hinged Steel Tin with Curved Top

Small Hinged Steel Tin with Curved Top

Your Price: $1.90
Part Number: TinHingedSmall
Availability: In Stock 4
* Made In USA
* DR-018

Great for a pill case or a container for fresh mints, or even a mini shrine, this little tin is the best ever for all of your innovative ideas. This is similar to the tin we once sold, but the base of the tin is domed for a better seating and the sides are a bit more rounded.

These little silver steel tins measure 1-3/4 inch wide by 2-3/8 inches long and 1/2 inch deep when open. The domed bottom allows you to add more into the base as well. The flip top makes it so convenient for crafts.

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