Special Howling Coyote Bead
Special Howling Coyote Bead

Special Howling Coyote Bead

Your Price: $3.35
Part Number: BeadCoyoteSpecial
Availability: In Stock 1
* Made in USA
* Only One (1)
Looking at this bead makes me imagine a moonlit night, not a cloud in the sky. Off in the distance, the distinctive howl breaks the silence. A nighttime serenade begins, as more howls join the chorus. S/he is the same on both sides.

The beading hole runs from the bottom of the charm to under the neck (not the top of the head as would be expected of other beads.)

  • Height: 3/4 inch
  • Width: 3/16 inch
  • Depth: 3/8 inch
This bead is not Native American Indian produced, a Native American Indian product or the product of a particular Native American Indian, Native American Indian Tribe or Native American Indian Arts and Crafts Organization.

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