Spool of Simulated Sinew - Approx 20 yards Natural Color
Spool of Simulated Sinew - Approx 20 yards Natural Color

Spool of Simulated Sinew - Approx 20 yards Natural Color

Your Price: $7.50
Part Number: Sinew20y
Availability: In Stock 1
* Unknown Origin
* Only One (1)
Sinew is a staple of historic Native American costume and household creations. The original natural sinew was made of the shredded fibers animal tendon. Used as cordage and a tying medium, it is naturally quite strong. It also shrank as it dried, providing a tight seal in any project.

Our simulated sinew certainly resembles the natural animal version. This synthetic version is made of 4-ply nylon polyester cord. It looks and splits like the real thing. Super strong, we highly recommend this product for heavy sewing and construction of craft projects..

If you're thinking of making your own dream catchers, you'll want to use this for the webbing for an authentic look and feel.

Our simulated sinew is natural colored and each spool is about 20 yards long.

This item is not Native American Indian produced, a Native American Indian product or the product of a particular Native American Indian, Native American Indian Tribe or Native American Indian Arts and Crafts Organization.

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