St Monica Medal - Patron Saint of Alcoholics
St Monica Medal - Patron Saint of Alcoholics

St Monica Medal - Patron Saint of Alcoholics

Your Price: $1.25
Part Number: MedalStMonica
Availability: In Stock 49
* Made in Italy

Saint Monica was born in 322 AD and raised in a Christian family. Unfortunately, as was tradition in those times, she was given away in marriage by her parents. Regrettably, her family did not choose well for her. She was married to a pagan named Patricius, who was quite ill-tempered and certainly adulterous.

She is known as the patron saint of alcoholics and cessation/prevention of debauchery.

St. Monica was the mother of two, one of whom is Saint Augustine. She prayed constantly for her husband and her wayward son, Augustine, who lived quite a wild life, according to his writings, before his conversion. Her prayers were answered for them both, as her Patricius converted on his deathbed.

Our medal is made of silvery metal in Italy. Two medals are shown to illustrate front and back.

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