There is a calmness...
There is a calmness...

There is a calmness...

Your Price: $2.75
Part Number: GCThereIsACalmness
Availability: In Stock 6
* Made in USA
The serene image of image of a man being followed by a cat is accompanied by:

There is
a calmness
in a life
lived in
a quite joy.

- Ralph Blum

And on the inside:

Calm - Gratitude - Joy
Thank you for reminding me.

Deborah DeWit Marchant's artistic search began with photography and journal writing. Her photographs capture everyday scenes transformed by the light that fascinates her. This is so evident in this wonderful greeting card, appropriate for any time another has made such an impact.

  • Height: 6-3/4 inches
  • Width: 4-3/4 inches

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