Three Nudes Motif (Exclusive Patinaed)
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Three Nudes Motif (Exclusive Patinaed)

Your Price: $0.00
Part Number: MotifNudes
Availability: In Stock 16
* Made in USA
* SilverCrow Exclusive

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Looking as though it has just jumped out of a fine piece of art comes our three nudes motif. From a seated position (on the left) to a standing one (on the right) the bodies seem to flow from one to another. It is as though the model started in a seated position and arose to her feet; the artist following her progression in this beautiful work of art.

Please apply a finish to the patina pieces before you use them in wearable art. We have provided a light coating so that the piece can be used in many different manners.

The motif measures about 1-1/4 inch high by 1-1/2 inch wide. It is available in raw brass or an elegant aged looking patina.

We are showing 2 examples of the patinaed motif to show the variations in color. The brass motifs do not vary as widely, so we are only showing one of them.

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