Tiny Hand Carved Bone Bird Fetish Bead
Tiny Hand Carved Bone Bird Fetish Bead

Tiny Hand Carved Bone Bird Fetish Bead

Your Price: $0.55
Part Number: BeadBirdFetishBone
Availability: In Stock 108
* Unknown Origin
* Vintage Item, Limited Availability
Quantity Price
5 - 9 $0.50
11+ $0.47
Similarly to our Silvery Bird Fetish Bead, per Zuni mythos, each bird is essential to the universe. The bird is able to travel freely above the earth for long distances. But, the bird is also partial to land, especially the trees. Birds represent freedom and power and are a link from the human to the divine.

Each hand carved bead measures approximately 5/8 inch wide by 1/4 inch high. The thickness of the bead varies slightly due to the natural bone from about 1/8 to 3/16 inch. 

We are showing 3 beads so that you can see the diversity in the hand-crafted natural bone.

This bead is not Native American Indian produced, a Native American Indian product or the product of a particular Native American Indian, Native American Indian Tribe or Native American Indian Arts and Crafts Organization.

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