Imagine! A waxy neck!
During the late 19th and the early 20th century, gentlemen's white collars were starched stiffly for a very formal look. The starch often chafed the back of the gents' necks. So, collar chafing wax was created to help. Many men had such in their haberdashery.
This great little box - pretty nifty all by itself, is an original - with the original wax fully intact inside. Glattolin, Glettoline, Glittolin, Glattolina - the name is listed in 4 languages on the sides of the box, so this must have been a popular product in lots of countries.
The graphics feature a gentleman preparing his collar with the wax before attaching the collar to his shirt. It was commonplace for the collar to be separate.
This is pretty cool stuff. We're sure that you can use it for your artwork in a clever manner. Maybe to alter your ink or paint? Why not try?
Inside the box is the notched wax block along with an instruction sheet that features some additional advertised products from the same company.
The box measures about 1-1/2 inch square. This is nice unused old store stock from around the 1910s and it is in great condition.