Vintage Hallowe'en Mask - Native American Indian Chief
Vintage Hallowe'en Mask - Native American Indian Chief

Vintage Hallowe'en Mask - Native American Indian Chief

Your Price: $28.00
Part Number: MaskVintageNativeAmericanIndian
Availability: In Stock 2
* Made in Japan
* Vintage Item, Limited Availability

These paper card-stock masks uniquely represent the graphical art of the 40s, 50s and 60s popular in the US. Their vivid colors are almost as vibrant as when they were produced, even after all of these years!

We know that these masks are probably politically incorrect today. And, we certainly do not want to offend anyone!

Such masks were popular styles in the mid 20th Century. Each is brilliantly printed in bright colors and with interesting detail. We believe that these are chromolithographed items, but we cannot be sure

There are perforated tabs on either side to punch out to add a ribbon or elastic for someone to wear these as masks, as intended. However, we think they are just wonderful as framed items or as memorabilia of the past. Many of the masks boast tabs that are still intact, never having been punched out. However, some of the perforated items have been lost through the years.

The eyes are perforated as well. The wearer would punch out the eyes (so s/he could actually see when wearing the mask).

Each of the masks measures about 7-1/2 inches wide (ear to ear) by about 10 inches high. Of course, there is a notch for the wearer’s nose.

These were a fantastic find! They are old store stock and have never been used. The woman from whom we bought these tells SilverCrow that she sold quite a lot of these some time ago. She couldn’t remember if it was in the 50s or 60s, as she raised children in both decades and dressed even more children for Halloween!

We have sorted out the very damaged masks, and most are in pristine condition. We will ship the ones in the best condition first, so, be sure to order right away - when they're gone - they're gone!

This mask is not Native American Indian produced, a Native American Indian product or the product of a particular Native American Indian, Native American Indian Tribe or Native American Indian Arts and Crafts Organization.


  • Height: 10 inches
  • Width (ear to ear): 7-1/2 inches

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