Vintage Metallic Paper Milk Bottle Cap
Vintage Metallic Paper Milk Bottle Cap

Vintage Metallic Paper Milk Bottle Cap

Your Price: $2.00
Part Number: MilkBottleCapMetallic
Availability: In Stock 34
* Made in USA
* Vintage Item, Limited Availability
Quantity Price
2+ $1.70
Milk bottle caps are great because of their size, age and their printing. Fun for collecting and creating - they are especially wonderful because they are lightweight metal and you can do just about anything with them for crafting and altered artwork!

Each one measures 2 inches in diameter not including the lip edge which varies in size.

These were all from pasteurized and homogenized milk from the Meadow Gold Dairies in Pittsburgh, PA. They range in color from pale orange to deep red. If you choose to use this for altered art, you might even punch images from a cap for a very unique look.

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