Vintage New Old Stock Tru-Fit Elastic Sanitary Belt Envelope
Vintage New Old Stock Tru-Fit Elastic Sanitary Belt Envelope

Vintage New Old Stock Tru-Fit Elastic Sanitary Belt Envelope

Your Price: $1.75
Part Number: EnvelopeTruFitSanitaryBeltVintage
Availability: In Stock 2
* Made in USA
* Vintage Item, Limited Availability
Such items were innovative in their day. Handled with discretion, one must have had to ask the pharmacist for it. Such items were certainly not casually discussed. We love finding old advertising to offer to you, but this not only advertises the product. It was made to hold the product as well.

This is the label only, product not included.

We will let the package's description tell you about this "Perfect" product.

T H E    B E L T
is made from the finest sterilized fabric and pure rubber,
thereby,  assuring  long  service  to  the  wearer. It is con-
structed with buttons, buckles, or any contrivance that
would cause annoyance when worn, either under or over
the corset. Can be washed without injury.

Manufactured by
The Logan Fabric Company
Logansport, Indiana.
Waist Measure

Size_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Inches

The package has taken on a lovely aged yellow hue to the paper since its heyday around the year 1900. It will certainly "give excellent satisfaction" to you when used in your latest collage or assemblage.

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