Vintage Plastic Donkey Charm
Vintage Plastic Donkey Charm

Vintage Plastic Donkey Charm

Your Price: $1.35
Part Number: CharmDonkeyPlasticVintage
Availability: In Stock 59
* Unknown Origin
* Vintage Item, Limited Availability
Democrats, zoologists and animal lovers will adore this lovable little donkey with his perky ears and friendly expression. The vintage charm itself is ivory colored so you could really paint it if you like.

Whether our donkey is a jack (male) or jenny (female), it is so very sweet. Donkeys were endeared to Jesus Christ, who was often pictured riding one.

Although they are work animals, many of them are treated as pets. Other religions are not as fond of the animal. Considering that the population of donkeys has grown tremendously over the last few years, we know they are hardy animals and are willing to please.

Thomas Nast created a cartoon declaring the donkey to represent the Democratic political party in the USA (he also declared the elephant to represent the Republicans).

Our little fellow measures 1 inch from nose to tail and about 3/4 inch tall.

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