Vintage Primitive Maria de la Soledad Holy Card in Plastic Sheath
Vintage Maria de la Soledad Holy Card

Vintage Primitive Maria de la Soledad Holy Card in Plastic Sheath

Your Price: $4.25
Part Number: HCMariaDeLaSoledad
Availability: In Stock 1
* Made in Mexico
* Only One (1)
Our Lady of Solitude (La Virgen de la Soledad) has been long commemorated in Spanish speaking countries.

Her image is from a French painting brought to the new world. Not much is known of her presence other than the compassion she offers to supplicants.

Her feast is celebrated on Holy Saturday in English speaking countries and Good Friday in Portuguese countries. In Spanish speaking countries, her feast is on December 18, the Annunciation. This allows a celebration of spirit not appropriate for Lenten days.

You'll find an entreaty to the compassionate Holy Mother in Spanish on the back.

This unique holy card was made by a Mexican curandero for celebration of Mary at any time during the year. It is primitively made and sealed in a plastic sheath. We were presented with very few of these by a traditional curandero. Such is expected to be of a primitive style.

  • Height: 3 inches
  • Width: 1-3/4 inch

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