Vintage Sterling Silver Kokopelli Charm
Vintage Sterling Silver Kokopelli Charm

Vintage Sterling Silver Kokopelli Charm

Your Price: $19.99
Part Number: CharmKokopelli
Availability: In Stock 2
* Made in USA
* Vintage Item - Limited Availability
We bought this stylized Kokopelli charm on a Native American Indian Reservation many years ago. We were told by the artist that it is sterling silver, although it is not marked as such.

The image is reversible, so two of them might make great earrings.

Kokopelli, the humpbacked flute player, is a deity of Hopi myth. He carries children on his back and distributes them to awaiting mothers. He is also associated with the Zuni tribe, where he represents the end of winter and the beginning of spring, with rain from the heavens.

Our charm measures 1-3/8 inch high (including the hanging hole) by 5/8 inch at the widest.

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