Vintage Angel and Devil Mini Statuette Set
Vintage Angel and Devil Mini Statuette Set

Vintage Angel and Devil Mini Statuette Set

Your Price: $65.00
Part Number: SetStatuesAngelDevil
Availability: In Stock 1
* Vintage Item
Instead of standing on your shoulders and whispering what you should or should do; now your personal angel and devil can be wherever you want them.

This set of statuettes has an interesting backstory. It seems when the former owner was a young child; if she was good, the angel would be left out for her father to see when he came home, if she was bad, the devil would be left out, if she was neither, then neither were left out.

We just had to share that story with you. After hearing it, we just couldn't separate this delightful little pair.

As you can see in our images, the devil has lost some of its red paint. The devil's tail, made from a pipe cleaner, is still attached; however the pointed end has gone missing. The angel, on the other hand, seems to have weathered the years quite well.

Perhaps the devil was used too often back in the day? (Nope)

The statuettes are marked on the bottom; the angel - Japan, while the devil - ©Kreiss 1956.

  • Angel
    • Height: 4 inches
    • Width: 2-1/2 inches
    • Depth: 1-1/4 inch
  • Devil
    • Height: 4-5/8 inches
    • Width: 2-1/2 inches
    • Depth: 1-1/4 inch

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