Epiphany House Blessing Set
Epiphany House Blessing Set

Epiphany House Blessing Set

Your Price: $0.00
Part Number: EpiphanyBlessingSet
Availability: In Stock 13
* Made in USA
* Made in Germany, Made in India, Made in the Holy Land, Made in USA
* Limited Availability
* SilverCrow Exclusive
* Not Returnable

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We are so pleased to present this fine Epiphany House Blessing Set, featuring the Gifts of the Magi and more.

You'll find in the set all that you need to bless your house and the homes of your friends for the New Year on the Epiphany.

You needn't purchase anything additional, or research the manner and meaning, the prayers, or the blessings. We have added all that you need, making the set usable immediately.

We have packaged the set elegantly in a clear box with wood excelsior to protect all the pieces. You can repeat your blessings year after year - the presentation box is not only for giving, but for storing the set as well.

Included in this special Epiphany Blessing Set:
  •     A golden incense plate
  •     24 incense cones (12 frankincense & 12 myrrh)
  •     Real Gold Flakes
  •     Chalk for your inscription
  •     Holy Water** from the River Jordan in the Holy Land (to bless your chalk)
  •     An exclusive booklet
    •    Prayers for the occasion
    •    History of traditions and customs of the chalking tradition
  •     Presentation & storage box
If you prefer, we are offering:
  •     Gold, Frankincense & Myrrh Only
  •     Frankincense & Myrrh Only

While incense and gold are not necessary for your prayers and blessings, the Epiphany celebrates the Magi and their gifts to the Baby Jesus. Use them as you celebrate at home. Never burn incense unattended.

The tradition of  “chalking the door” is centuries old. The tradition will offer a blessing to all who enter the home during the year indicated in the blessing above the doors. Write in chalk the blessing above the door frame or on the door most used, offering the blessing to all who enter. You may even choose to mark every door.

Because this is 2024, the inscription for the upcoming Epiphany (January 6, 2025) is 20 † C † M † B † 25.

**We suggest that you request that your Priest bless the water and chalk as well.

With origins in the 3rd century in Egypt, the Epiphany is the time for a blessing of the house (January 6th for Western Churches; January 19th for Eastern Churches). The eve before the Epiphany is also known as The Twelfth Night of Christmas. Its celebration predates the celebration of Christmas itself. Some Christians believe it important to take down all of their Christmas decorations on Twelfth Night.

There are many customs surrounding Epiphany and one of our favorites is this home blessing. For years, someone would inscribe what seemed to be a secret message atop my parents' door frame in chalk - both front and back doors. We later found it to be the Epiphany House Blessing. My parents are no longer with me. I discovered since, that one of our dear friends was the mystery blessing giver.

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