Decision Coin - Is it Yes or Is it No?
Decision Coin - Is it Yes or Is it No?

Decision Coin - Is it Yes or Is it No?

Your Price: $0.00
Retail Price:$7.00
Your Savings:$7.00(100%)
Part Number: CoinYesNo
Availability: In Stock 2
* Imported

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Is it YES or Is it NO - toss a coin. Rather than heads or tails, this challenge coin is more fun - at least we think so.

It is a bit bigger than most American coins - about 1-1/2 inch in diameter.

Use it to tell your or your friends' fortunes. Amaze them with your foresight.

The coin (or pocket piece) is brass toned plated alloy and has been oxidized for a vintage look. It arrives in a nice fitting round protective clear plastic box for storage.

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