Jesus Bookmark with the 10 Commandments in Spanish
Jesus Bookmark with the 10 Commandments in Spanish

Jesus Bookmark with the 10 Commandments in Spanish

Your Price: $0.45
This simple bookmark features a nice image of Jesus Chri…
Part Number: BMJesus
Availability: In Stock 9
* Made in USA

This simple bookmark features a nice image of Jesus Christ with his hands outstretched to welcome his followers. At the bottom, it reads:

Yo soy el
Tu Dios

(I am the Lord, thy God)

On the back are the Ten Commandments listed in Spanish:

1. Yo soy el Señor, tu Dios; no tendráas dioses ajenos delante de mí.
2. No tomarás el nombre de Johová, tu Dios en vano.
3. Recuerda qe el día del Señor es Santo.
4. Honra a tu padre y a tu madre.
5. No matarás.
6. No cometerás adulterio.
7. No hurtarás.
8. NO levantarás falso testimonio contra tu prójimo.
9. No codiciarás la esosa de tou prójimo.
10. No codiciarás los bienes ajenos.

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