Vintage 2 Angels Trinket Dish
Vintage 2 Angels Trinket Dish

Vintage 2 Angels Trinket Dish

Your Price: $27.00
Retail Price:$35.00
Your Savings:$8.00(23%)
Part Number: TrinketDishAngels
Availability: In Stock 1
* Made in Germany
* Vintage Item, Only One (1)
Atop the lid of this vintage trinket dish, are two beautiful angels. The angels are singing - just imagine how wonderful that would be.

Use it for your rings and trifles on your dresser; add some stardust and other treasures.

A Reutter* mark is on the inside of the lid.

  • length - 5 inches
  • width - 3-1/8 inches
  • height - 1-3/4 inches

* Starting with doll house items before moving on to other fine works, such as this trinket box; Reutter Porzellan started in Germany in the mid-20th century.

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