Vintage CANADA Souvenir Hand Painted Candy Dish or Pin Dish with Gold Metallic Handle
Vintage CANADA Souvenir Hand Painted Candy Dish or Pin Dish with Gold Metallic Handle

Vintage CANADA Souvenir Hand Painted Candy Dish or Pin Dish with Gold Metallic Handle

On sale $9.00 $6.75
Retail Price:$9.00
Your Savings:$2.25(25%)
Part Number: DishSouvenirCanada
Availability: In Stock 1
* Made in Canada
* Only One (1)
The plate features images of famous Canadian venues:


Note the maple leaves in the front and the maple tree on the right.

There are 12 sides – is that significant to Canada?

On the back, the mark is a knight's head with armor. It looks like the center is 3C with a script M underneath between two stars and a giant V.

I really love the whole look of this plate! I bought this in Canada in the late 1980s early 1990s on a road trip with my Mom to the Thousand Islands, Upper Canada Village and more. It was old when I bought it in an antique store – but not really an antique. It is probably from the 1950s judging from the style.

It is marked HAND PAINTED on the back. The back "flaws" are original, made when the plate was fired.

It measures 6-1/4 inches in diameter and the gold washed handle is about 1/2 inch high.

As with all our vintage items, we have dusted this off with a soft cloth for the photograph. We’ve packaged it up safely and it’s ready to ship to you right now! We never ever clean anything vintage in any way. Sometimes the patina or the wear adds to the value of the item. So, we’ll leave the cleaning up to you once this treasure is yours

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